Watch 'how to' videos and webinar replays
7 Steps to Successful Content Marketing
This is a full webinar replay which contains an intro about RealtyProx. If you just need the part on content marketing, fast forward to 18:59.
Advertising vs Marketing in Real Estate
Lee Honish shares his thoughts on the differences between advertising and marketing in real estate in this live webinar. Also, he announces the upcoming 2015 Monster Marketing Summit in Las Vegas.
Content Marketing Plan for 2014
Special webinar on content marketing for real estate agents. Includes an overview of the RealtyProx network and bullet points for your content marketing plan of 2014.
Farm Smart in the Flat Market
Let’s face it. Current market is as flat as Iowa’s fields. While in some places housing prices are slightly going up, in other locations prices are down, leaving the general market boringly flat.
So, what do you do in the flat market? Lee Honish, a marketer, former banker and a creator of Monster Marketing System , has a piece of advice: go where they ain’t and farm smart.
How to Fill Your Home Buyer Pipeline Using Credit Repair Knowledge
Our guest Randy Cochrane (United Credit Education Services) discusses common credit misconceptions and reveals how every real estate agent can add 6-12 extra transactions a year without spending a penny on marketing or spending time prospecting. Recorded webinar.
How to Get Any Listing PLUS Market Predictions for 2014
Lee Honish shares his Listing Monster Marketing System with RealtyProx users. He also speaks about the direction of the real estate market in 2014.
Listings in 2015 (PLUS Real Estate Market Predictions)
Marketer and former banker Lee Honish shares his real estate market predictions for 2015 and revelas where to find listings in 2015.
Marketing Tuesdays with Lee Honish 02.18.14
An improvised webinar with Lee Honish, hosted by RealtyProx. How to apply permission based marketing in the real estate industry and more.
MonsterU: How to Get a Listing or a Deal Working Only 4 Hours a Week
Lee Honish shares the news about his newest project during his Marketing Tuesdays webinar hosted by RealtyProx. MonsterU is the first cohesive online marketing school on demand for real estate agents, brokers and investors. It helps real estate professionals implement reliable, repeatable & predictable marketing techniques designed to bring in more listings or deals.
If getting more listings (or deals, if you’re an investor) is something you think about before going to sleep at night… MonsterU is for you.
New and Improved RealtyProx: Platform Tour
Take a look at the new and improved RealtyProx. The platform is sleeker, more tablet-friendly and features expanded Quick Help pages. Learn how to get the most of RealtyProx and get familiar with new features, including eSignatures and the lead program.
RealtyProx 101: Grow Your Short Sale Business
Recording of a live webinar. Introducing the RealtyProx network and National Closing Center.
Short Sale Success with Listing Monster Marketing System and RealtyProx
Yet another live webinar replay. Lee Honish explains how Listing Monster works and why it works exceptionally well with RealtyProx and National Closing Center.
Short Sales: Where to Get Them and How to Close Them
One of the best webinars Lee Honish ever did for the RealtyProx users and guests. Everything from modern money mechanics to loss mitigation is explained in this almost two hour video.
Speed up Short Sales with National Closing Center
Short sales are still very much a reality in most major metro markets. In fact, top 10% of real estate agents nationwide are involved in short sales in one way or another; for most of them, short sales are still the major money maker. In this webinar we discuss how RealtyProx can connect real estate brokers and agents with National Closing Center, a short sale processing company, and how NCC can help close short sales faster and more efficiently.
Tax Consequences in a Short Sale (with Paul Horn)
Guest panelist California attorney and CPA Paul Horn discusses tax consequences in a short sale. Watch and learn how to use existing laws and help distressed homeowners. Don't get in trouble by giving legal advice; familiarize yourself with current laws and important boundaries between your fiduciary duties as a real estate professional and the area of law.