How to Get Buers, Expired Listings, Probate, Canceled, FSBOs, and MORE (Summit in Las Vegas)

03/10/2015 12:34 PM (CST)

successDo you work with Buyers, Expireds, Equity, FSBOs, Investors, Probate, Short Sales (NODs, etc.)? Do you want to meet homeowners or buyers face to face? If your answer is “yes”, then we want you in Las Vegas! Join RealtyProx, RealtyTrac, Bill Crane, Diana Ortiz, Lee Honish and many others for the Direct Marketing event of the year!

The 2015 MONSTER Marketing Summit
(Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino, March 26-27)


If you're tired of promises to get listings "from the Internet", "mastering Facebook" or "finding buyers on LinkedIn", this event is for you.

If you are confident that you and your office have lots of value to bring to Sellers and Buyers, then this event is for you, because we will make sure you get face-to-face with homeowners and show you the best techniques on how to close them during the meeting.

Join The Listing Monster, RealtyTrac, and many others and discover the only direct marketing that works.

Meet and network with people who have been using the system for years and who have been  closing tons of transactions because of it.

Learn techniques, scripts and strategies that others are selling for thousands of dollars—free!

Why should you go?

  • Are you tired of paying Trulia and Zillow for leads and exposure?
  • Are you sick of marketers teaching you how to “master”
  • Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter?
  • Do you feel exhausted “farming your farm” and competing with thousands of other listings-hungry real estate agents?

If you answered “yes” to the above questions, please, please

keep reading and consider attending the MONSTER Marketing Summit.

Watch Daren Blomquist, a VP of RealtyTrac, talk about the event.

Listen to a podcast special on how to Create YOUR Brand, Place YOUR Message, Market YOUR Message AND CLOSE DEALS At The Door


What to expect?

  • 2 full days of interactive sessions that will cover the most innovative direct marketing methods
  • Learn how to get access to 8 million homeowners who need a real estate professional right now.
  • Discover how to get face to face with living, breathing sellers (rather than elusive internet leads).
  • Learn how to get invited to people’s homes for appointments set for you rather than cold-calling, door-knocking or sending expensive mailers.
  • Discover how to brand yourself as an expert so homeowners would seek you out as opposed to you chasing after your prospects.
  • Discover what to say at the door, what to bring to the door and how to close your prospects without having a bad aftertaste of a high-pressure sale in your mouth.
  • Be one of the first to learn about new data mining tools

Two days, multiple speakers, hours of training, leads, deals and listings!

Please share this with anyone you want to see have more success and make more money in  2015... Come yourself or bring the whole office!